Feb 28, 2008

calliope's sisters RED.3

calliope's sisters RED.3, originally uploaded by SR/Gonzo®.

see larger file
( dream in purple crayon) a deconstructed lucid dream reconstructed 3 times ,and then put back together

Feb 19, 2008

10 minutes ago...2-14-2008

10 minutes ago...2-14-2008, originally uploaded by SR/Gonzo®.

Feb 12, 2008

Change we can believe in.

.O., originally uploaded by SR/Gonzo®.

see larger file
vote for Barack Obama!
I did, today.

Feb 10, 2008

harpoon -west L.A. fade away -over/underpass

see larger file

Feb 4, 2008

final debate. (a.k.a. fetish points)

see larger file

Feb 2, 2008

be still my beating art

be still my beating art, originally uploaded by SR/Gonzo®.

see larger file