Mar 29, 2007

grasp (infinite sustain)

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Mar 28, 2007

de-composer (no-maestro) music without sound a de-composition

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Mar 26, 2007

dancing straight into a flood

enter the image

void or devoid (the question still remains)

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Mar 24, 2007


., originally uploaded by d.j.Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

crawling toward the night

Mar 21, 2007


..., originally uploaded by d.j.Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

Mar 20, 2007

free floating position of nothingness

Mar 18, 2007

march the long arch

Mar 15, 2007

a simple tune

a simple tune, originally uploaded by d.j.Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

Mar 12, 2007

colossus alone

colossus alone, originally uploaded by d.j.Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

SEE a larger file

Mar 11, 2007

remember when the black snow fall fell?

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Mar 10, 2007

colossus-"steady as she goes"

SEE a larger file

Mar 7, 2007 four..(the ab-domain,evolution, devolution, revolution...) four, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

SEE a larger file

Mar 6, 2007

...colossus redux (collaboration with pallamaio)

..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

SEE a larger file

Mar 4, 2007

the summit ("the dissident and onedreamacus")

the summit, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy/Gonzo®.

Mar 1, 2007

Gonzo® circus circus maximus (next phase)

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