Feb 28, 2006

more fun with tornados and quarantine (please Dada)

Feb 27, 2006

Duchamp VS. 2 year-old (DADA's little helper)

the wonderful flight to the mushroom planet

greased atrophy inside the utopian imagination

Feb 24, 2006

Moods >8 (just annother day)

Moods >8 (just annother day), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Johnny Cash (the man in Black)1996

Feb 21, 2006

The Residents 1986

Residents 1986, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Feb 16, 2006

moods>6 ?(threeheadedjokermanman)

(incantations) decending views3.2

Study of " line of sight" by Hinius

from Hinius's excellent photograph! www.flickr.com/photos/hinius/96880117/
Simply an graphic exercise in reading the visual sight lines in a complicated photograph!
I am trying to visualize the movements of my eye- An attempt to study the movement of an eye reading a photograph.

Feb 13, 2006

Buckshot and Privilege

Buckshot and Privilege, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

the schizoprenic conception of natural artifacts

minor crisis-( fissure in the Tissue of codes)

Feb 8, 2006

Physics of Transcendence (they really found you)

Moods >5 land of the lost (parlor tricks)

Feb 6, 2006

moods >4 (cartoon fury)

moods >4 (cartoon fury), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

(Bone meal)-hairline fractures within negative space

moods >3 (erase to infinity)

moods >3 (erase to infinity), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Feb 4, 2006

seal logic (makes no sense at all)

moods>2 (hunger)

Feb 1, 2006

the Last Sunset-(Jan 31-2006)

the Last Sunset-(Jan 31-2006), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.