Nov 29, 2005


.gonzoart, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Nov 27, 2005

please do not uncork ...

please do not uncork ..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Nov 26, 2005

caged fervor (virtualism will feed the beasts but can not keep them alive)

Nov 23, 2005

tonight the snow fell.

tonight the snow fell., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

the search for minoy

the search for minoy, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

"we have built a sod house"

"we have built a sod house", originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Nov 20, 2005

fronts approach before the sun

Nov 17, 2005

if the world is flat- does the earth rotate around You?

Nov 16, 2005

lava head (red dye #6) Ape fire!

Nov 14, 2005

yellowcake (november) 2005

yellowcake (november), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

mother and child (modern ramifications)

Nov 12, 2005

the Ambiguous Seriousness of childhood imagination?

Man who fell to earth (Disneyland)

man who fell to earth (snowman)

Nov 9, 2005

DECLASSIFIED document( massive attack)/Gonzo®

DECLASSIFIED document #3copy

DECLASSIFIED document #3copy, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

DECLASSIFIED document #2copy

DECLASSIFIED document #2copy, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Nov 8, 2005

invertebrate -the decent- from the man who fell to earth

Nov 7, 2005

man who fell to earth -(clouds) FINAL VERSION!

Nov 6, 2005

skelleton princess (rain of light)

man fell to earth (clouds) first step

man fell to earth (clouds), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Nov 5, 2005

dela blodb red -fuzz no escape