Sep 29, 2005

mondrian-oranges -( from the newpickle media LABS)

Sep 28, 2005

phases-2 (apemoon)

phases2 of apemoon, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Sep 27, 2005

FreeWheeling-(No plans-no ideas-I got nothing)

Sep 26, 2005

Vincent Ape with an ear in hand

i've seen Fire and Rain and wind and gravity and thrust

Bridget_Riley-lyrics2, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Sep 22, 2005

go ahead no one can hear you!

go ahead no one can hear you!, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

compilation from the D.E.L.A.-Digital Evolution of the Land Ape- interactive revolution pool.

television-landscapes as seen from below - long version.

Sep 21, 2005

the Ambiguous Seriousness of childhood imagination?


Sep 15, 2005

White light- white heat (stained infrastructure)2

Sep 14, 2005

(in the face of science) consternation under god

Sep 12, 2005

cowboy jim shoulders

cowboy jim shoulders, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Friends, sometimes in kansas ,back in the olden days, it was hard to know what you were gonna see!

Act of god/Act of man (version 2)

Sep 11, 2005

This was made in 1989 ........

today is September 11, 2005

Sep 10, 2005

Act of god/Act of man (do you have any dreams you'd like to sell?)

All images were photographed in New Orleans in 1992.

Sep 7, 2005

Delusions of splendor-(Raushenburg's goat)

Sep 6, 2005


dulles, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Sep 4, 2005

Superdome 1992

Superdome 1992, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Sep 3, 2005

The Chief Justice just Died!

Scalia brings out the head of Al Gore

Sep 2, 2005

parallax-squared (double negative)