Jul 31, 2005

Hunter stockton Thompson

Hunter stockton Thompson, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

"I always roll my ice in chloroform before drinking whisky."

Jul 30, 2005

trip the light fantastic

trip the light fantastic, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 29, 2005


Jul 28, 2005

the REv, AL -"hustler" @ 40!

alex-hustler, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

"what the man say...?"

You say..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 27, 2005

Relieves Retention...

Relieves Retention..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 26, 2005

"Again I emplore you-please do not touch the artwork"...

please do not touch-long, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

media say lightning strikes in eastern china...

Jul 24, 2005

State Fair culture war...

State Fair culture war, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

against time...

against time..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 22, 2005

I want to believe?

I want to believe?, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Was there life before the newscrawl?

Jul 21, 2005

To dream of the Past or the Future?

The time machine travels both directions, and yet I can't decide.

Jul 20, 2005

"freedomlovers"-are we not?

"freedomlovers"-long, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Art from those who are under two years of age, please

D untitled #1, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Dinah is une artist!

Jul 19, 2005

A Title does not apply here?

A Title does not apply here?, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Titles not used

Organic man.....I fell asleep in the "garden of the Alchemist", and all I got was this lousy T-shirt....Encounters with nature- grilling and tuesday morning..... Oh no, here we go again!.....

Jul 18, 2005

kemper Museum of Contemporay art

Built after I left the KCAI-(Kansas City Art Institiute).

Fonts for progress (TEXT message)

Jul 16, 2005


houseguest-chain-gang-, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 15, 2005


Pre-cambrian-"SLOPE", originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 14, 2005

Taliesen West..Why don't we ever learn?

Taliesen West, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Frank Llyod Wright's school of archictecture, in Scotsdale AZ.

Jul 13, 2005

sharks come out at night

The sharks come out at night, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

"the people's republic of lawrence," kansas- after midnight.

Jul 12, 2005

impression-thunderstorm, Lawrence,KS-USA

Jul 4, 2005

hunterwack-alien head

hunterwack, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jul 2, 2005

rock and roll-kabuki theater

rock and roll-kabuki theater, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.