Jun 30, 2005

American kabuki rock&roll@05

American kabuki rock&roll, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 29, 2005

The Reds of November

The Reds of November, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 28, 2005


redmedarknightimenotsleeping, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 27, 2005

Untitled -beer?

Untitled -beer?, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 26, 2005

gonzo genneration circa 2003

gonzo genneration circa2003, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Don't be a swine!, not now, not ever!

Jun 24, 2005

the roots of modernity

the roots of modernity, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 22, 2005


E=MC2(Comedy&Tragedy), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 21, 2005

do not touch...

do not touch..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.


Circles une cycles (real bullets)

in a war situation apparently they use real bullets?

Jun 20, 2005

Pop song '89

Pop song '89, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

16 years ago- Jimmy swaggart, Ronald Regan coins, beach party movies, Khomani dies, Tenenniman Square, the Who, and Ms. America on Star search.

Jun 19, 2005

-gangland (Loverboy)

-gangland, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 18, 2005

blunt force (beautiful madness...)

part DUEX

Jun 17, 2005

head (the light in my attic)

head (the light in my attic), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 16, 2005

encounters with nature (rocky mts.)

Jun 14, 2005

the x-cubist-abandoned everything when he left!

the x-cubist- copy, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 12, 2005

everything is divisble by eight

Jun 11, 2005

there are no mistakes...

there are no mistakes..., originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Jun 10, 2005

Mama always said not to look into the eyes of the sun-But mama that's where the fun is"..........

red dragon yellow fly, originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.

Auto-focus will not woork in a see of orange.

Jun 8, 2005

Encounters with nature (Monday and Tuesday)

Close Captioning Provided by...

Well wolf you've done it again!

Jun 6, 2005

A short history of air travel.

"i heard it on the Mexican Radio", East of the rockies- Come in East of the rockies- ART BELL is that you................?

Jun 5, 2005

life and NY times of bill Clinton

Jun 3, 2005

pop art-I-Fact

Jun 1, 2005

the Nixon -TUBE (Still Dead)

the Nixon TUBE (Still Dead), originally uploaded by Stephen Roy.